Cultural Competency Workshops

If you had an easy way to learn cultural awareness to better engage with people would you?

Cultural competence is a range of cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills that lead to effective and appropriate communication with people of other cultures.

Our agency seeks to help you develop mastery with cultural competency concepts including cultural awareness, knowledge acquisition, skill development, and continuous inductive learning within the context of strengths extracted from each culture’s value system.

We need schools filled with culturally competent teachers and leaders if we want equitable spaces for ALL students. Let’s dismantle the power and privilege in our schools by addressing issues related to cultural and social differences.

Get CultivatEdD Cultural Competency Workshops offers a cross-disciplinary approach to understanding and working with diverse populations. Our workshops deal with concepts like race, ethnicity, disability, age, religion, and culture. No matter what your background is, these essential skills are important for everyone!

Our Get CultivatEdD Cultural Competency Workshops offer an opportunity to explore your own culturally competent growth through presentations on prevention and intervention strategies that address cultural factors relevant to the experiences of people from different backgrounds. Want some more information? Check out our upcoming Cultural Competency Workshop schedule!

Bring the Workshop to Your School or Organization This Year


Here are the options for the 2022-2023 school year:

  • In-Faculty Meeting Zoom Session (30 minutes)

  • Professional Development (1-2 hour workshop)

  • Half-Day Seminar (4-5 hour workshop)

  • Purchase a pre-recorded training (On-Demand)

  • Train the Teacher in the Get CultivatEdD Framework (varies)



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