A Matter of Choice: Helping Girls Live and Lead Like Ladies

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A Matter of Choice: Helping Girls Live and Lead Like Ladies




Is every female a lady? For the past 10 years, Regina Coley has guided hundreds of girls through the journey of answering this question. One of the biggest reasons why so many girls aren’t living and leading like ladies is because in the journey of life they miss the power of decision making, role models, and direction, the foundation of their existence isn’t deeply rooted. Instead of obsessing over what they will become we have to focus on the who. As in who are you and who are you becoming? Deciding on the who sets the premise of everything else that is to come. This foundation builds on all other things. That is what this book is all about. If you want to experience the totality of who you are and can become this book is for you. This book is for your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and neighbors. You will find the step-by-step guidance outlined in the book is easy to follow. Inspirational stories of everyday women and those whose names are easily recognizable and others whose legacies are just as powerful, follow this decision-making process. It will provide clarity of who you are, and give you the confidence to take a leap and choose to live and lead a life as a lady.

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