7 Positive Parenting Principles

Please take the following principles to heart. If you’re a parent I already know that you want what is best for your child but being that you are a parent I know it’s not as easy as it seems. Parenting has it’s highs and lows and some days you may find yourself wondering if you’re doing your best job. Here are seven principles for powerful and purposeful parenting.

  1. Value discipleship over discipline. Yes children need to be corrected when they are being disrespectful or unruly and that is where effective discipline is required. However, too many children have not been intentionally taught the values and virtues needed to succeed. Discipleship provides an opportunity to model and guide your children to righteous living.
  2. Parents are children’s first teacher. You have the opportunity to lay the foundation and set the standard. What are you doing with that responsibility? I hear many parents complain that the schools aren’t doing enough for their children but it’s mom and dad who make the difference.
  3. What you do in the early years determines the outcomes for later years. Kids are sponges in the first few years, give them good things to soak up! A solid well rounded experiences in education, social experiences, and life skills are critical. Don’t omit the filling up of these years or you’re going to have a problem come middle school and high school years.
  4. Aim for the moon and you’ll reach the stars. No matter what always aim high in your expectations, standards, goals, and vision for your family. Constantly praise your children for what is going right because it will continue to propel them higher and higher.
  5. Content creates character. What they are exposed to will show up in their lives. Diversify the books, magazines, music, TV shows, video games and activities that you’re children are seeing. Watch and get involved with the programs. Just because it says it’s for kids doesn’t mean it’s in alignment with your vision for your family.
  6. Children spell T-I-M-E with L-O-V-E. The best course of parenting just comes from spending time, being involved, showing up, being present, and listening. Sometimes our kids are “talking” to us just by the things they aren’t saying. Seize every opportunity to show your love.
  7. Every child is different even in the same household, with the same exposure and resources. Value their individuality. In our family mission it states that each child is a part of the same body. Each person is essential for one function. Help your children see that they are needed, valued, and appreciated for being just who they are and who they are becoming.



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