4 Life Lessons I Learned From College

4 Life Lessons I Learned In College
Me on my graduation day from Howard University








1. You have to go seek opportunities, they won’t come for you. College is the land of opportunity if you look at it that way. Never again will you have access to so many individuals from all over the world and with so many different backgrounds all living and gathering in the same place. College is intended to not only gain an education but to gain wisdom. This is why it’s important to go to college with a set of goals, things you want to accomplish in your life over the next 5 years. Once you have that in mind you can look at your experiences with opportunistic eyes. Are you looking to start a business? Where are your clients? In a certain department? In a certain dorm? Are you looking for a mentor? Whose on your campus that’s doing what you plan to do in the upcoming years? You have to reach out and get what you want and deserve for your life. Nobody is going to be knocking on your dorm door offering everything to you because you’re cute or smart. It’s the same later on in life, so get used to it!

2. Keep a copy of everything you do and everyone you spoke to. People will lie on you to keep their jobs. They will say you didn’t speak to them or didn’t submit something to them just to make themselves look good. But one thing that can’t be lied upon is black and white paper! Keep a copy of everything you turn it. At the top right hand corner always write in pen when you submitted a document, who you spoke to, what date, what time, and in what format did you communicate. Keep everything in a small file folder box (Snap-N-Store Letter-Size File Box, Black (SNS01533)
) and keep it near your desk area. Do the same with papers from work. Keep meticulous records, even of your bills. Having these systems in place now will save you plenty headaches later on in life.
3. People judge you by how you look and speak. People are judgmental. They don’t want to take time to get to you. They will place judgement on you simply by how you look. They will either respect you because you command respect or disrespect you because you don’t. Speak in a way that reflects your education and dress in a way that reflects integrity.
4. You’re going to have to deal with and work with people who are different than you. You will have to work with people who have different thoughts, views, religion, and sexual orientation than you. You will have to learn how to work in a collaboratively spirit with these people. In life you may not like everyone but you should show the same respect you expect to receive from them.

Question: What life lesson has college taught you?

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