Everyone has their own vision of success and what it means to them personally. For some it can mean a fat bank account, fancy home, or sports car and for others it can mean family. For me it means being fully used by serving others and finding happiness in the work and life I live.
I began to sit down and think about what are the things I believe in most and what drives success for me and developed the seven beliefs that create success.
The belief in my talents. You should believe that we are all given talents not only to keep to ourselves but to use and multiply.
The belief in my gifting. You should believe in your gifts fully recognizing that a gift isn’t a gift until it’s given. Your gift is different from your talents and should be used to advance the Kingdom.
The belief in the power of my voice. You should fully believe in the power of your voice and how speaking up creates change. Whether it’s through writing or speaking your voice holds personal power.
The belief in my ideas. You should fully believe in your ideas as valuable. Fresh ideas is what makes our world go round! Learning how to create over just consuming is the game changing ideal that will propel you into your purpose.
The belief in my abilities. Fully believe that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to. A made up mind is the greatest asset anyone can have. It’s hard to dissuade a person who knows what their mind is set on. Anything you can believe you can achieve.
The belief in my influence on others. People need people; authentic people that have had real problems, real experiences and can share real solutions. It’s through this relationship that influence and impact can be made. Don’t be afraid to share your story it can make the world of difference for someone.
The belief in a higher power. Fully believe in God, the one who created you with a hope and a future. Some thank the universe and the stars but I believe in God. He has my trust and life in the palm of His hand and I stand on biblical foundation. That’s the only “power” I contribute to success. By focusing on God I gain direction.
These seven beliefs should be your focus as you begin your work and create your life plan or plans for success in family, business, marriage, whatever! They all play a pivotal role in your success.