Dealing with a technology breakdown

We’ve all been there. You’re happily working away on your laptop, in the zone and almost finished up with the task at hand, when the screen suddenly freezes. Within the next 10 minutes, you’ve tried desperately clicking to bring it back to life, you’ve tried opening up the task manager, and you’re worried about the integrity of the very crucial work that hasn’t had the chance to save.

What can you do in this situation? Crashing is a common issue amongst the current technological age, but it’s far from the worst. There’s a lot out there that can disrupt your working day, both from inside your computer and outside of it, and they can all strike suddenly. Which is why it’s important we talk about the best ways to deal with breakdowns like these.

Know the Warning Signs

Every single computer is going to warn you about an oncoming issue, in both overt and subtle ways. No matter how sudden you think a breakdown was, there was definitely one or two signs a system was about to go kaput. But before you learn anything else about working with a problematic computer, go now and create a backup of everything you have saved!

So, the important thing now is to be able to recognise these signs and symptoms, and to act fast when they crop up. If your SSD or hard drive suddenly goes crazy, or there’s a noticeable increase in the whirring coming from inside your CD slot, it’s time to save your work and close down a few applications. Similarly, if your computer starts slowing down, it’s clear the system isn’t coping with what you’re asking of it. Clear out your caches, clear out your temporary files, and think about getting an upgrade.


Know the Best Help Desks

Some computer breakdowns are worse than others, and sometimes, you might be dealing with some kind of malware or computer worm you accidentally came across online. Most of the time, your operating system’s firewall will warn you of any intrusions like these, and be able to deal with them. But sometimes, the attacks are a lot more sophisticated than what your office PC is capable of.

Which is where Managed IT Services for businesses needs to come in. An IT help desk in the time of crisis is crucial to keeping tech breakdowns out of the office, as professionals trained in coding languages and reversing the effects of broken firewall are going to have a much better time of protecting your PC than you are. A simply phone line connection, and remote access control, are all you need to put these services to use. They’re not inhouse, you won’t have to make room for them, and they’re worth the cost for the monitoring ability alone!

Dealing with a sudden tech breakdown doesn’t have to put you in a panic. Remember, the more you’re equipped to deal with the onslaught of the digital world, the better your business is going to fare.

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