How To Build A Robust Digital Presence For Your Small Business


When your company decides to go digital, it makes a worthwhile investment in ensuring that its objective of increased growth is achieved. It’s essential that effective digital strategies are adopted by small businesses to ensure they experience the desired gains in productivity, efficiency, and profit. However, it’s not always clear how to go about executing these strategies, so here are five techniques that your business can use to build a robust digital presence.

  • Enhance your search engine optimization 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a marketing technique used for driving visitors to your website and, as a result, increasing sales and brand interaction. Keyword research, creating high-quality content, and backlinking are all approaches to improve your website’s SEO. This strategy can be confusing and time-consuming for the inexperienced. However, you can hire SEO analysts and agencies to help you.

  • Provide mobile support 

More than 75% of people worldwide own a smartphone, emphasizing the importance of providing mobile support in your business. Where such support is not offered, your business may lose revenue and suffer a decrease in its growth. Mobile support ensures that communication between various parties of your company is efficient and clear. It also allows for convenience, which is a significant factor that attracts and retains customers. You can provide mobile support by creating mobile applications and websites. It’s also critical to ensure that their mobile experience has a user-friendly interface that provides a seamless experience for all parties. If you’re working with a third-party service provider for your company’s digital solutions, be sure their offering considers functional vs nonfunctional requirements and also works on Android, BlackBerry, and iOS devices. 

  • Make an app for your company

Creating an app for your business improves client experience and increases brand loyalty, no matter your type of business. For example, developing an app that allows clients to place orders or schedule services makes involvement in your business simple and convenient, resulting in a favorable experience and distinguishing you from your competitors. Not to add, a consumer who downloads your startup’s app will see your logo several times throughout the day, creating brand awareness and promoting your firm daily.

  • Create an online store

Integrating eCommerce into your business is necessary as more clients look online for their goods and services. The good news is that local markets allow small businesses to compete with large firms like Amazon while avoiding the exorbitant costs associated with GrubHub and Instacart. Although businesses today provide the convenience of fast delivery, choosing a local online marketplace keeps money in your pocket while also supporting your community.

  • Examine customer feedback 

It is essential to evaluate your customers’ feedback. Evaluating feedback helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses. It also helps point out problematic areas you may have overlooked, identify bugs, and implement effective measures. Consider creating technical resources and reference manuals for employees and customers to answer common queries, solve common troubleshooting issues, and direct support tickets to the proper contact before deploying your digital business operations. If you’re working with a third-party service provider, such as for document delivery, they’ll almost certainly offer support, which will reduce your team’s workload.


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