How to run an online business even when you’re not tech savvy!

When it comes to launching a business of your own, there’s a lot that you need to consider, particularly when you are launching a virtual business. Running a business remotely from a virtual platform comes with many benefits, such as the fact that it costs far less than it would to set up a business at a set location. Not to mention the fact that running a business virtually from a remote location offers far more freedom, such as freedom to spend more time with your family and have a better work-life balance.

However, running a virtual business can seem impossible if you’re not exactly, what you would consider, ‘tech-savvy’. The good news is that just because you’re not as clued up regarding technology as you could be, doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t run a virtual business. To help you better understand what it takes to run a virtual business, have a read of the tips and pieces of advice below.

Take advantage of free e-learning

If you want to increase your knowledge and gain the ability to perform certain tasks within your business, then making use of free online learning is essential, such as websites like There are various things available online from webinars to Youtube tutorials that outline how to perform an array of business tasks – you can even get some university courses free online, to allow you to complete basic lessons in certain fields. (These might be worth looking into if there’s an area you want to gain a more in-depth understanding of.) E-books are another great resource – you will be amazed at the number of free e-books you can find online if you simply take the time to look.

Outsource tasks

If there are tasks that are too complex for you to deal with or the price of making a mistake is too high, then outsourcing that task to an external company could be a good option for you. Whether it’s for your accounting needs, your social media requirements, or for IT support, there4 are plenty of specialist companies available to help you, such as By choosing to outsource tasks that you don’t feel confident to complete, this will allow you to take advantage of vital tech without having to learn to master it all yourself. I use and also offer my business support services there.

Get a mentor

Search for a mentor who runs a hugely successful virtual business and learn from them – the best people to learn from are always the people who have been where you have been before. Managing a business isn’t easy, but you can learn a lot from someone who has been where you are now and successfully built a business. You could find a mentor online via social media or by searching the internet – there are also various mentoring schemes that you could look into. Another option is to join a local business networking group and see if you can source a suitable mentor from there. My business mentor is LaShanda Henry and you can learn more making sense of making money online at

Setting up a virtual business is no easy task – there’s a lot that you need to think about. Of course, the tech side of things is one of the most complex – there’s no getting away from that fact, which can be off-putting if you aren’t tech savvy or tech-minded. However, the tips above should help to minimise any stress linked to that.

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