Laying The Groundwork For Appropriate Staff Expansion

Even if you’re a relatively small business with no plans to expand, it’s always important to consider the benefits of doing so. This is because when you reinvest profit into your brand, you can then stabilize your position in the market more easily. Expansion might not seem desirable to begin with, but if you have more to lose before you shut down, such as assets, staff, product ranges or whatever else, then you’re more durable. It’s the same logic to suggest that a driver behind an eighteen-wheeler is safer than a driver behind a small hatchback car.

But wanton expansion without careful and diligent planning is never a good idea, nor is proceeding without a robust plan. Let’s focus on one element of this – that of laying the groundwork to hire more people and expand your number of internal departments. With that in mind, you may wish to consider some of the following advice:

Crafting The Right Budget

First, it’s important to be wise about the budget you have for staff expansion. What salaries can you afford, what benefits package can you put together, and what will be relevant for the role? You can commit market research to see what other firms your size are offering, and adjust based on the responsibilities and risk involved. Consider the time it will take for onboarding, slight training outside of that already earned, and where you will hire. Also, set a timeline with an ideal hiring date you can reach out for. If you approximate that, you can begin writing your job listing, and implement the new hire with your managed payroll services.


Refining Your Onboarding Process

An onboarding process is there to help your successful candidate become adapted to your daily workflow. This could be as simple as switching from their familiarity with Google Workspace to Microsoft 365, but it also means introducing them to everyone and their role in your organization, scheduling meetings and inductions to track their progress, and integrating the necessary security clearances they need. They may need some time to adopt to your unique flow even if they have experience with the business to begin with, so it’s wise to look at their introduction from their point of view and cover every angle.


Identifying Required Skills

Of course, before you conduct any of this, it’s essential to identify the required skills your firm needs. Always try to fill skill gaps, from the larger role-based specialisms down to the very minute details such as first-aid qualifications or driving licenses. Make sure these roles are a natural fit for your team. If you’re hiring for your marketing department, you might hire someone with stringent videography experience, for example. The more you can identify those skills, the better the outcome will be.


With this advice, you’re sure to lay the groundwork for appropriate staff expansion, and manage the best outcome as a result. This way, you will always be composed and careful re: your hiring practices.

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