Love It Lists: Math Games for Elementary Aged Students

Math games are a great way for your children to practice their math skills. If you have a techie kid I’m sure you won’t have to pull any teeth to get them to the computer or tablet for a little practice. With so many online math resources there are a few that I specifically love and recommend.

There are a few things I look for when choosing sites for my children and students. One is the number of advertising. The number of websites that are banking on students to accidentally click on their Google ads is ridiculous. I look for minimal or no advertising so that my children can stay focused on the site and work I have them completing.

Another thing I look for is the ability to choose what skill they are working on. Some websites just have games for that grade level but I may be working on something specific. If my 5th grader needs additional practice with division I want to go right to division games. So having access to the specific content is essential to the practice.

Lastly I look for the quality of games and the site. Does it offer additional resources for parents and families? Is there a way for me to track my child’s progress?

So let’s check out these amazing math games!

  1. IXL
  2. Math Playground
  3. Fun Brain
  4. Cool Math
  5. Splash Math 
  6. Math Games
  7. Bedtime Math
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