The Keke Palmer School of Leadership

Not only is KeKe an amazing singer, actress, and now talk show host, she is also a perfect example of what a true leader exemplifies. She understands and leverages her leadership skills to becoming the successful young lady she is today. KeKe was quoted for saying ” I always try to set a positive example for my generation and promote confidence.” That’s right, the essence of leadership! So grab a seat, a cup of coffee and let me introduce you to The KeKe Palmer School of Leadership!


Photo Credit: Uptown Magazine
Photo Credit: Uptown Magazine

1. KeKe is relatable, and every leader needs to relate to her audience. KeKe is the kind of girl you want to have as a friend and one you’d be willing to take sound advice from. The amazing thing about her is that she interacts with her fans. They have questions and problems and she gets right into the conversation with them and answers them! That’s what a leader does.

Leadership Lesson Takeaway: Look for ways that you can solve small problems around you and find ways to add value to your peers, soon they’ll begin to realize that your are a valuable resourceful leader.

2. KeKe is consistent with her projects, and consistency builds trust in leaders. She isn’t the type of person whom you see one year and then see her next project five years from now. She has been consistently serving! From movies to awards shows, and even getting involved in projects that honor girls like Black Girls Rock, KeKe is showing face! We believe her to be what she projects. We can also get a sense of what’s important to her by what she chooses to involve herself with.

Leadership Lesson Takeaway: Look for ways to get involved to showcase your consistency. Make sure that you involve yourself in projects that reflect your values and what’s important to you.

3. KeKe is genuine, and authenticity is a trust magnet for leaders. She can go straight Cali on us in one minute and turn professional the next. She’ll make you laugh with her dance routines and then say something profound. You can tell she is comfortable in the skin she’s in and she isn’t changing up for anyone. She is being herself and she recognizes that there is a group of people out there that needs that from her.

Leadership Lesson Takeaway:  Recognize that you don’t have to conform to fit the profile of a “leader”. The more real you are, the better chances you’ll have of connecting with your audience. Just be and do you!

4. KeKe has a vision and a voice, which is crucial for impact. Leaders know the way, go the way, and show the way! They are extreme visionaries and have a way of sharing that vision with others. They use their voice to influence and impact their followers. KeKe saw a need to be a voice for her generation and she created her vision.

Leadership Lesson Takeaway: Be a leader and take the action steps needed to pursue your vision. Don’t be afraid of the power in your voice, someone is waiting to hear what you have to say!

5. KeKe dresses for success, and a great leader sports a classy wardrobe and a great pair of shoes. KeKe rips the red carpets! She dresses appropriately for her body type and dresses appropriately for the environments she’s apart of.

Leadership Lesson Takeaway: Be a trendsetter! It’s okay to do something bold to stand out from the crowd. Make sure what you are wearing is appropriate for your body type.

6. KeKe is focused in areas where she is gifted. KeKe was quoted saying “I love music and I love acting. I always keep that in the forefront, not all the other distractions around me.” Everybody has something going on in their live that can seem like a setback or an obstacle but when you keep your mind focused on the task at hand, everything else seems small. 

Leadership Lesson Takeaway: Focus on one thing until you’re successful. Eliminate distractions especially from small minded people who will say or do anything to keep you from getting ahead.

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