
From Participation to Cultivation: Shifting the Narrative in Education

Participation is one of the oldest and most dominant narratives in education. While participation is not necessarily a bad thing, it has been used in ways that reinforce some of the inequalities and injustices our society experiences. The most obvious example is that participation has historically been used as a measuring stick for how well students are learning—and who they are when they leave school….

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Building a Strong Foundation: What It Really Takes to Build a Successful School for Young Children

Building a successful school for young children requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and expertise. It is not just about providing a physical space for children to come and learn, but rather creating an environment that fosters growth and development in all areas of a child’s life. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the essential elements that are necessary for building…

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A Guide to Operational Efficiency: How to Give Your Small Business a Competitive Advantage

Operational efficiency is a critical factor in the success of any business, especially those in highly competitive markets. By streamlining processes and reducing costs, companies can gain an advantage over their competitors and increase their profitability. This guide will discuss the best practices for achieving operational efficiency, from automating tasks to improving communication between departments. We’ll also explore how these tactics can help you make…

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How To Turn Your Passion Into A Business

According to a recent study, 74% of workers are ‘satisfied’ with their current job. This is a promising statistic, seeing that we spend most of our adult lives working. Furthermore, “people who enjoy their jobs are more likely to be optimistic, motivated, learn faster, make fewer mistakes, and better business decisions,” putting them on the path to success. As a result, if you’re feeling unhappy…

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6 Effective Tips For Training Your Employees

6 Effective Tips For Training Your Employees  Hiring new employees and successfully integrating them into your work environment can be an intensive task. However, when done right, it can yield significant results for your business, including enhancing productivity. To recruit and retain top talent, you must provide effective learning and development opportunities for your staff. Continuous training and development help employees sharpen their abilities and…

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Supporting and Building Up Student Activism and Protest

Students have always been a part of activism, but today’s students have grown up in a world where they have unprecedented access to and control over information. They are often passionate about social justice but lack the tools and skills to create positive change. We can help them by providing them with opportunities to learn how to be effective activists, such as learning how to…

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Going Up: Fresh Ideas for Growing Your Business

Guest Post by Julie Morris of Growing a business is harder in practice than in theory, but with some key adjustments, it’s often possible to maximize the efficiency of your operations and discover new lines of revenue. Whether you’re overhauling your marketing efforts, diversifying your portfolio, or making new hires, a few changes can reset your company’s direction and set the pace for long-term…

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How to create a safe and supportive school environment for all students

Schools are a place where students learn the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. But for all students, schools should also be a place where they feel safe, welcome, and included. In this article, we’ll discuss strategies for creating an inclusive school environment that welcomes all students as individuals with unique needs and backgrounds. We’ll walk through examples of how teachers can create this…

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