As I was reading my bible today I came across this passage: “Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice” (Psalm 31:8-9
The funny thing is I was going there to read about the virtuous woman so that I can learn how to be a better steward over what God has given me in my personal life like my husband, children, and home. But what was revealed to me was what I also need to be a good steward over and that’s my gift of speaking and serving and taking it further by representing the helpless.
When I read that scripture I immediately thought of speaking and advocacy efforts. The work that I do daily. The young people that I serve can be viewed as helpless and those that cannot speak up for themselves. The urban children of color I serve don’t yet realize the disadvantages they are already being exposed to in life and will have to work twice as hard to overcome, so they are being done an injustice. We have to be their voice in the community, in the government, in our places of worship, in our schools and homes.
They can’t articulate their needs and create powerful solutions, but we can. They can’t write letters to their government officials stating what laws need to be created or defended but we can. They can’t organize community efforts to establish groups of support for them, but we can.
We have the ability to do so much to represent those who are still learning themselves, their ever changing world, and their place in it. We have to see to it that they get justice; a world where they aren’t judged by the color of their skin or defined by the neighborhoods they grew up in. A world where they don’t have to fear playing in a park or walking to the store. A world where they are free to be themselves and feel free to expresss themselves.
We are their voice and it’s through the use of ours that we help them see the void to find their own voices. When no one speaks up it signifies acceptance. We are called to a higher standard in which we can’t regress and omit the gifts we’ve been given because there are people depending on us.
Here’s how you can speak up today:
- Who doesn’t have an active voice in the community?
- What body of people do you see consistently mistreated?
- Who is doing the mistreatment?
- What is the message you want to send to the ones causing the mistreatment? (In one sentence)
- What are the needs/problems of the body of people you’re going to speak up for?
- What are three solutions to that problem?
- How are you going to articulate the problem and the solution? A Periscope video? A letter? A series of blog posts? A series of tweets including the people who can help you?
- Now that you’re clear do it! Just one step from number seven. 😀
Question: Who in your community can’t speak up for themselves and what are you going to do to speak up for them?