Living your Exceptional Identity

Who we are determines the way we live. It affects what we do, who we hang around, how we spend our time, where we go, and why we do things they way we do. But what happens to the person who isn’t sure of themselves and questions who they are?

In this day and age we have men who want to be women, women who want to date women, black girls who want to go natural because it’s the thing to do but don’t understand why, white girls lying about being black, and they’re confused. Life is confusing and confusion creates chaos. 

Wouldn’t it great to know WHO and WHOSE you are? Wouldn’t it be comforting to know that your are wonderfully made, you have a purpose and a high calling? Wouldn’t it also be amazing to know that YOU (yea you) are not made to live a mediocre life but life abundantly? And wouldn’t it be even great to know that you are truly remarkable; one of God’s finest masterpieces?! 

Can I tell you something? You are all these things and more! Coming from the Creator I know that I was mandated to create a space where people like you and me could come together and be reminded daily that we are exceptional and loved. So I created Exceptional  University. 

Exceptional University is a new membership site where we remind and restore YOUR remarkable. October 1st launched day one of the 31 Days to Restore Remarkable Challenge which is 100% free. Over the 31 days you’ll get a daily inspirational email loaded with the stuff you need to activate your exceptional life and be in the running to win weekly goodies! 

You have the opportunity to join the private Facebook group and join in with other people who genuinely care for you and want the best for you! Life gets tough and you’ve got to be able to combat fears  with faith, resistance with resilience, and sorrows with strength. 

Come and build your soul and strength back up to the levels that God intended. It’s time to live your Exceptional Life! 

Register for the FREE challenge over at 

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